Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sydney Long weekend

So back at work today.. but still sore and sorry from our big Sydney long weekend away... A mix of too many drinks, million kms of walking and not to mention the stairs..

Big thanks to Joey, Kieren, Ash and Pete for an awesome weekend..

Survived a Tiger Airways flight.. Had heaps of fun when we got there.. Experienced a new city, new pubs and shops... But best of all the iconic tourist attractions.. My favourites of course, the harbour bridge, Opera house and Luna Park... You will notice a few photos of each, as i played around with angles, reflections and composure..

NB: there were heaps of pub photos.. dinner and drinking - but as the iphone doesnt have a flash, i could barely make out anything in the photos..

Oh well, another trip might be in order when i get my new Canon :)

Here's a summary of what we got up to..

Ash doing his 'Rocky' impression at the top of the stairs..

